Dr Lauren Tober on Listening Well
I’m going solo on the podcast this week, with a whole episode on listening well.
We’ve all been through SO much over the past few years. And sometimes it just feels like it just keeps coming!
We all have a real human desire to be seen and heard, and to share our stories, our experiences, our grief, our heartache and our joy.
But how do we listen to others when they’re sharing with us?
How do we get out of our own heads and into the world of another, so they feel like we really care?
Join me for this episode to explore what gets in the way of listening well, and three very do-able techniques for effective listening, so we can show up for our communities and the people we love in time of need.
Download the free Blissful Sleep Meditations and the Deep Mindful Relaxations at www.laurentober.com/giving-back