Giving Back
Yogic philosophy is based on the premise that we are all one. That means that we are so intrinsically interconnected that there is no separation between us. That I am you, and you are I. Oneness means that I can’t be truly happy and healthy unless we are all happy and healthy. I feel this wisdom deep in my bones, even if my mind fights against it sometimes.
I don’t have an easy solution for world peace and happiness, however I do believe we all have a responsibility to each other and to leave this world a little better than we found it.
If you would like to join hands with me to try and make this world of ours a happier, healthier and more peaceful place to live, I invite you to download one of my meditations.
If you’re having a tough time of it right now, I invite you receive it, without cost or expectation.
If you’d like to give back, I invite you to download the meditations and make a donation of your choice. After you enter your details, you’ll be invited to donate directly to someone in need (or choose another way of giving if you prefer).

Two beautiful guided meditations to support you to deeply relax and come home to your true nature (mp3).
Based on the teachings of Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.
I’ve created two versions for you, a longer version (37 mins) for days when you have the time to really settle in and deeply relax, and a shorter version (18 mins) for days when time is limited (and let’s face it, it’s these days when really need to relax!)

Three gentle guided meditations to help you access deep relaxation and blissful sleep (mp3).
Based on the teachings of Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.
A regular version (24 minutes) to help to deeply relax the body, calm the nervous system and help you to drift off into a nourishing and restorative sleep. A longer version that also helps to calm the mind and let go of ruminative thoughts (perfect if you’re thinking mind is making it difficult to get to sleep; 30 minutes). And a short version (17 minutes) for times when you only need a little helping hand to get off to sleep.
Today I’m inviting you support my local community, the Northern Rivers region in Australia.
The severe flooding has meant that many people have lost their homes, and some even their lives.
The whole community is devastated.
GIVIT is managing offers of money, goods, services and volunteering, in response to this flooding. It’s a way that you can directly help people in need.

Photo: Lucas Handley
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope some day you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”
John Lennon