About Dr Lauren Tober

BSc (Hons) DPsyc (Clinical) MAPS
Clinical Psychologist + Senior Yoga Teacher

I’m a Clinical Psychologist, Life Coach and Yoga Teacher based in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby, Australia. With a passion for health, healing, happiness and awakening my passion is to integrate the best of western psychology with ancient yogic wisdom, both on and off the mat.
I’m the founder of the Centre for Mind Body Wellness in Mullumbimby (near Byron Bay, Australia) and Capturing Gratitude, a free global photographic happiness project. I’m also the creator of several acclaimed online courses, including A Daily Dose of Bliss, Living Your Heartfelt Desires and Meditation, Pure + Simple.
My work is soulful without being new-agey. It’s evidence based, without being clinical. It’s authentic, heartfelt and life changing.
I believe that happiness is our true nature, and that yoga, gratitude, self compassion, authenticity, creativity and community help us to cultivate happiness in our lives on an everyday basis.
That’s the short version! Want to read the long version?